Up to 90% time and process savings for Deutsche Bahn AG

With HRS technology, Europe’s largest rail network is now looking after crew and passengers slicker, quicker and more efficiently than ever.

Are you tired of manual crew scheduling processes that take up too much time and money? Want to streamline your operations and improve your crew members’ work-life balance? In this case study we talk about how HRS Crew & Passenger Solutions worked closely with the Deutsche Bahn Travel Management team to deliver an exceptional crew and passenger experience and significant savings with the help of just one end-to-end platform.

In this case study we talk about:
  1. How to deliver an exceptional crew and passenger experience when it matters most

  2. How to revolutionize crew operations achieving 90% reduction in time and process costs

  3. How to increase transparency and communication between all stakeholders

  4. How to eliminate manual processes and drive efficiency

  5. How to enable more flexibility and improve work-life balance, driving job satisfaction to +95%

Read the full case study to find out the answers and learn more on specific delivery KPIs and achievements.