Survey Spotlights Issues Driven by Hybrid Workforces

Research from GBTA and HRS focuses on business travel’s recovery, the need for traveler service expertise, and challenges of sourcing co-working meeting spaces

Cologne, Germany & Alexandria, VA – 21 September, 2022 – HRS, the leading global corporate travel and payment technology platform, and GBTA, the the world’s largest business travel association, announced the results of a comprehensive survey of travel and procurement leaders from Europe and North America. The results from the June survey illuminate the fact that changes in workforce realities meshed with a faster-than-expected return to travel are transforming managed travel.

According to the research, 54 percent of those surveyed say business travel has rebounded faster than expected, while 77 percent report they are spending more time troubleshooting traveler issues.

Remote Workers, Downsized Urban Office Footprints Reshaping the Workplace Reality

Survey respondents, with 74 percent from the U.S. and Canada, provided insightful metrics behind trends many in Human Resources and Managed Travel departments find themselves currently navigating. Noteworthy highlights:

These trends have given rise to a new topic in many procurement departments: the sourcing of co-working spaces for staff to meet. Results from the survey showcase multiple challenges for corporations as they seek to manage the costs of all workspaces in a consolidated manner. Most telling:

“The intersection of employee workplace trends and travel management is quite frenetic these days. These realities spur opportunities for forward-thinking finance, human resource, procurement and travel leaders,” said Tobias Ragge, HRS CEO. “Technologies addressing these trends are being launched and refined, with friction-reducing automation improving the everyday experience for employees. How quickly are you examining which solution best works for your workforce while also maximizing your operational budgets? This is the issue we see more frequently in our corporate engagements this year.”

Travel’s Accelerating Comeback and the Evolving Composition of Travel Departments

Results of the survey tied to the pace of business travel’s return are aligned with the travel challenges experienced in recent months. They also point to the growing need for data expertise within corporate travel and procurement departments, as they increasingly look to data analysis to steer travel management policy and investments.

“Companies are leaning on automation to drive more efficiencies during this period of pandemic recovery,” said Mr. Ragge. “Having a dedicated data analyst or outsourced option makes more sense than ever, both to drive future strategy and free up resources to address customer service issues.”

“It’s great to see that business travel is coming back. The vast majority of suppliers and travel management companies continue reporting booking increases each month. But as outlined by the survey, the evolution we’ve seen since the pandemic is driving tremendous change across the business travel ecosystem,” said Suzanne Neufang, CEO, GBTA. “Travel management teams now have a broader range of issues to address beyond negotiating supplier deals. The C-suite is more likely to promote the digitizing of more processes, implementation of sustainability initiatives, and steps to enhance satisfaction and security. Leaders are adjusting and taking steps to manage programs accordingly.”

The complete survey report is available via HRS at this page. GBTA members can download a copy of the report via the GBTA Hub.


This online survey of Canadian, European and U.S.-based travel managers and procurement leaders took place from June 15-29, 2022. GBTA members and non-members were invited to participate. A total of 187 respondents completed the survey; 74 percent from North America, 26 percent from Europe.

About GBTA

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is the world’s premier business travel and meetings trade organization headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area with operations on six continents. GBTA’s members manage more than $345 billion of global business travel and meetings expenditures annually. GBTA delivers world-class education, events, research, advocacy, and media to a growing global network of more than 28,000 travel professionals and 125,000 active contacts. Visit and follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

About HRS

HRS is reinventing the way businesses and governments work, stay and pay in today’s dynamic global marketplace. HRS’ advanced platform technology is extending its reach beyond hospitality to meetings, office space management, payment efficiency and crisis recovery. Beyond cost savings in the global post-pandemic economy, HRS clients gain from an unrivaled focus on essential aspects including safety, security and satisfaction. HRS is also recognized for its award-winning Green Stay Initiative, technology that helps corporate hotel programs achieve their NetZero targets, and its groundbreaking Crew & Passengers Solution, which leverages automation to elevate experiences for air and rail operations. Founded in 1972, HRS works with 35 percent of the global Fortune 500, as well as the world’s leading hotel chains, regional hospitality groups and payment providers. More information at